The farewell for 2015 and welcome 2016


Hi peeps, its the 365 days again ! Well well, lots of motivation quotes for a new year and people's new year resolution list popping up on my Facebook news feed. Its been such a long time I did not celebrate a new year in a hot weather country, rather than enjoying house party with all the jumper and warm wool socks or layering up ourselves like a potato to fight with the freezing cold weather and prepare to enjoy the spectacular fireworks :)  I SERIOUSLY MISS THAT SO MUCH Ahhhhhh...

So 2015 has been such a great year for me. Graduated from UON with BSc (Hons) Nutrition, traveled to my must-go places which are Spain and Paris, aced my dissertation with the guidance of my professor, and last but not least, met so many new people this year. Especially this person who has
taught me so much. * I still remember that I dyed my virgin hair on the 1st of jan 2015 because my friend told me to be yolo. LOL. But did not success because my hair's black pigmentation is too strong apparently XD

At last, i wish everyone a great year ahead and Happy New Year :)

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